Thursday, November 28, 2019
The One Day of the Year Essay Example
The One Day of the Year Essay Assessment 3: Text Analysis- â€Å"The One Day of The Year†â€Å"The One Day of The Year†was set in Australia, in the 1960’s. It explores the universal theme of Father- Son conflict against the background of the beery haze and the heady, nostalgic sentimentality of Anzac Day. It is a play to make us question a standard institution, but it is the likeability and genuineness of the characters that give the play its memorable qualities: Alf, the nobody who becomes a somebody on this day of days; Mum, the anchor of the family; Hughie, their Son, with all the uncertainties and rebelliousness of youth; and Wacka, the Anzac, with his simple, healing wisdom. There are many topics to be discussed in the play and I have chosen to discuss and explore the generation gap between Alf and Hughie. Alf and Hughie’s relationship from living in different generations will be the issue discussed and explored in the text analysis. Their differences, mainly their opinions from the generation gap were completely different, and strongly argumentative. Not only was this affecting thier relationship, but was tearing their family apart, all because of their opinionated views about Anzca Day and who and how it should be celebrated. For example; In the play â€Å"The One Day of The Year†Alf says in Act Two, Scene 1 â€Å"Well, you know what day this is. This used to mean somethn’n’ once. I’m proud to be a bloody Australian. We will write a custom essay sample on The One Day of the Year specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The One Day of the Year specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The One Day of the Year specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer If it wasn’t for men like my old man this country’d never bin heard of. They put Australia on the map they did, the Anzacs did. An bloody died doin’ it. Well, even a snotty- nosed little kid oughta be proud of that. Whats happened to him? Why isn’t Hughie? †Not only did this speach start an argument between Alf and Hughie, but Mum aswell. Generation- and Generation Y are very different when it comes to Anzac Day. This is because Generation- grew up in the War, where as Generation Y only hear about it. I believe this is why you see a mojority of old people at Anzac Day services, rather than young people. And this is probably why Hughie got sick of Alf going on and on about Anzac Day. For example; Hughie says in Act Two, Scene 3 â€Å"Because we’re sick of all the muck that’s talked about this day the great national day of honour, day of memory day of salute to the fallen, day of grief It’s just one long grog- up. †I believe, for Alf and Hughie to have had a good Father- Son relationship, Alf needed to let go of the past and accept the change of Australia and its peole, including his Son and keeping his opinions to him self. But I also believ that Hughie needed to ccept his Father’s passion and proudness for the Australian men that fought in the War. Anzac Day is our identity and a symbol of Australia. We shouldn’t forget that. I understand that Hughie thought Anzac Day was all crap, especially the drunkness, but he should have been able to let his Dad have one day of the year, where he could celebrate and remember the men that died at War to save our country. The rest of the year Alf should have been sober a mojority of the time and made an effort to get along with his Son, forgetting the Yankee crap, but spending time with Hughie.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Practice in Eliminating Gender-Biased Language
Practice in Eliminating Gender-Biased Language This exercise will give you practice in recognizing sexually biased language and avoiding it in your writing. Before attempting the exercise, you may find it helpful to review sexist language, biased language, gender, and generic pronouns. Instructions Consider how the following sentences reinforce sexual stereotypes by their reliance on gender-biased language. Then revise the sentences to eliminate the bias. To a woman who possesses the necessary qualifications, nursing offers a life of unusual interest and usefulness. She will have limitless opportunities to improve herself and to help others.Each laboratory assistant must perform the experiment at least once before he teaches it to the class.The priest asked, Are you ready to love and honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives?No matter how busy he is, a pilot should take the time to thank the stewardesses at the end of every flight.My grandparents days consist of waiting by the window for someone to come up the walkwhether friend, mailman or salesman.The female lawyer conceded that her client was no Mother Teresa.In some cases, if your insurance has been slow in paying and your doctor has his lab work done away from his office, you may receive a bill from a laboratory you have never heard of. If this happens, call your doctors billing secretary and ask her to tell you exactly what the bill is for.Though occasionally s he may be called on to help others in the office, a secretary should take orders only from the manager she supports. The beginning student should spend his time becoming familiar with primary rather than secondary texts, with classics rather than with books about classics.The shift from animal and muscle power to machine power was a major achievement for man. When you have completed the exercise, continue reading to compare your revised sentences with the sample answers. Sample Answers To those people who possess the necessary qualifications, nursing offers a life of unusual interest and usefulness. They will have limitless opportunities to improve themselves and to help others.Each laboratory assistant must perform the experiment at least once before teaching it to the class.The priest asked, Are you ready to love and honor each other as husband and wife for the rest of your lives?No matter how busy the pilots are, they should take the time to thank the flight attendants at the end of every flight.My grandparents days consist of waiting by the window for someone to come up the walkwhether friend, mail carrier or salesperson.The lawyer conceded that her client was no Mother Teresa.In some cases, if your insurance has been slow in paying and your doctors lab work is done away from the office, you may receive a bill from a laboratory you have never heard of. If this happens, call your doctors billing office and ask exactly what the bill is for.Though occasional ly they may be called on to help others in the office, secretaries [or assistants] should take orders only from the managers they support. Beginning students should spend their time becoming familiar with primary rather than secondary texts, with classics rather than with books about classics.The shift from animal and muscle power to machine power was a major achievement for humanity.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Samgsung Electronics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Samgsung Electronics - Essay Example The high quality of products is implicit, but never sufficient. Innovations are the key to success in these markets, but they come at a high price and are very easily copied. It takes a mix of luck, great management and a visionary business approach to make it in today’s overcrowded marketplace. Samsung, one of the largest Korean companies, begins its second century. The new digital era has brought revolutionary opportunities and changes to global business. Samsung has come up with solutions to these changes by upgrading its business structure, management perspective, and corporate culture to meet the new global standards ( Since its founding in 1938, Samsung has grown from a domestic industrial leader into a global consumer electronics powerhouse. The company is presently recognized as one of the world’s leaders in digital technology, holding the number one market share for thirteen products of the range (among which semiconductors, TFT-LCDs, monitors and CDMA mobile phones). These considered, the company’s target is an increase on this number to thirty in the following year. On the main priorities of the company is the research and development function, especially on the semiconductor line that includes flash memory and non-memory, custom semiconductors, DRAM and SRAM. The department in charge with this vital function comprises 13,000 researchers, and the financial investment is large - US$ 1.7 billion. But there is no other way in the technological fields, and the management at Samsung knows it better than anyone, having an experience of many decades. From a financial perspective, the company offers its clients services that have been appreciated and awarded. The Samsung Card is a payment solution that was selected as the "Best Card Company in the New Millennium" by MasterCard. This type of facilities and incentives for clients come as a plus to the products, more than a marketing tool – a long-term business development
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
How Colinization affected the history of American Indians Research Paper
How Colinization affected the history of American Indians - Research Paper Example When the European colonizers came in, they grabbed land from the American Indians mercilessly thinking that they have more than enough land for themselves. There are too many instances of land grabbing by European Colonizers but we can cite two of the most blatant case of land grabbing. The first case is John Winthrop’s land grabbing whereby it also intersected with religion which also changed the American Indian’s way of life. John Winthrop was the leader of the Puritans that settled in Massachusetts Bay Colony whereby they settled and took the lands of the Indians. John Winthrop was very blatant in his quest to take lands from the Indians because he thought that it was the Will of God for them to have lands in the New World because they, the Puritans were the chosen people of God and that they were entitled to take Indian lands. Thus when the Puritans sail to the New World on their ship Arbelia, he thought that taking the lands of the Indian is like entering a covenan t with God whereby they â€Å"shall be a city upon a hill. The eies of all people are upon us (Winthrop 68). Winthrop believed that the Puritans had a duty to fulfill their covenant with God by serving as an example of an ideal Christian community to the world in erecting a community on Indian lands (Gleason). Another is the case of land grabbing is California Foragers case. The California Foragers may not have religious undertone in their quest to take lands from Indians but their method was brutal. This happened after the Gold Rush of 1849 whereby the American Indians were the first settlers in the gold mines. When the Europeans came into California in 1542, they took the lands of the American Indians by force and thousands were needlessly massacred ( The extent of the massacre was so massive that much of the cultural identities of
Monday, November 18, 2019
Impact of Cultural Factors on International Marketing Essay
Impact of Cultural Factors on International Marketing - Essay Example Cultural Theories †¢ Hofstede’s Dimensions A Dutch researcher, Gert Hofstede, after conducting a wide research found that culture possess four important dimensions. They include: †¢ Collectivism vs. Individualism †¢ Masculinity vs. Femininity †¢ Power Distance †¢ Avoidance of Uncertainty Individual vs. Collectivism determines the belief of people in a sense that whether they consider reward and responsibility individual or at larger group level. In country like Japan, it is considered as neutral while U.K, U.S and Netherlands are more inclined towards individualism. West Africa and Indonesia are more concerned in collectivism and receiving responsibility and rewards at larger group level. Products and services which are considered as environmental friendly are considered as more feministic because female gender is more cautious and sensitive about these matters. Power distance refers to segregating individuals on the basis of status and ranks. It is most commonly observed in Arab and Latin American countries. Countries which are more uncertainty avoidance are tend to inclined towards risk averse and those which have lower uncertainty avoidance are considered as more risk tolerant countries. (Onkvisit, 2008)... influence while marketing a brand internationally include: Age Group or Gender Taste preference, and interest of consumers differ with age group and gender. The perspective and attitude of people matters a lot which varies from country to country. Preferences and interest of people living in Latin America will be entirely different from Asian Countries. In this regard, it is essential to localize a product to certain extent so that it can gain popularity in respective country. Population Higher population means bigger market. Therefore, it is essential to consider the tactics of catering mass number of people. The problem that arises with population is that large number of people can have diverse needs. So, it is vital to select a product that fits to the needs of every individual. Educational Background Underdeveloped countries generally possess low rate of literacy as compared to developed countries. Therefore, many products which require higher educational proficiency cannot be su ccessful in countries having lower rate of literacy. Social Class Large population refers to having multi-social classes. Social classes are also called as economic class which means dividing the target market on the basis of their income, education, background etc. Many products are developed for particular social classes for instance products of Apple Inc. cannot be purchased by every social class and are specially designed for elite class of people. Geographical Concentration Geographical concentration is referred to as developing products for specific market condition. Geographical concentration means that every country selects products on the basis of the concentration of demands present in that country for that product. The number of that product will be determined by the society in
Friday, November 15, 2019
Inward Cheque Clearing Process
Inward Cheque Clearing Process The paperless environment has evolved and booming now. Nowadays, financial institutions constantly enhance the choice of the products and services to win the customer. Furthermore, this is the era where banks strive to become excellent service provider by exceeding customers expectation. With electronic documents allow a company to save time, increasing efficiency and providing excellent customer service. Hence, imaging technologies gives the required platform that needed to achieve this competitive edge. Check clearing process in Malaysia has evolved from paper pushing to paperless. Day by day, customer deposit and issue out checks. Despite many payment methods available in Malaysia such as Internet banking, mobile banking, Interbank GIRO, Rentas (Real Time Fund Transfer System) and others, check instrument remains an important payment method used in Malaysia. According to the statistic from Bank Negara Malaysia (Malaysian Central Bank), it is evident that check payment is the most preferred payment method now and in times to come. Although there is sign of decline from year 2007 onwards which is due to an emergence of electronic banking, but cheque will remain high as the funds movement exceeded trillion. As such, BNM has implemented Cheque Truncation and Cheque Conversion (CTCS) process on 16th June 2008 where all espick participants duly implemented and in operation since then. Manual Processing Image-based cheque clearing process, replaces the physical cheque flow with electronic data and image flow throughout the clearing cycle. The process eliminates the movement of the physical cheque from various intermediary levels in the clearing process and hence, reduces the delays in the clearing process. Ideally, the movement of the physical cheque should stop at the bank/branch of first deposit (The collecting bank branch). This, in return, increases operational efficiency through expedient payment and receipt of funds, reduces the operational cost through the reduction or redeployment of redundant resources used for handling cash and cheques, and expedites the clearing process in the industry. Due to CTCS introduction, the physical cheques will be kept by the collecting bank after their images and MICR ( Magnetic Ink Character Recognition(MICR) code line data have been captured and the readability verified. To ensure the quality of images that have captured, cheques will be required to adhere to image friendly design standards and specifications. Electronic imaging places new requirement on the overall design of cheques so that they are readily legible when viewing their images, rather than the physical cheque itself. The design standard has to ensure that all essential information, including hand-written data and machine-printed date, will be captured by the imaging process. The captured images will be usable and legible, and that the file sizes of images will be small enough so that they can be stored and moved in a cost justified manner. Furthermore, check truncation has been implemented in many countries like US, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong. Due to banking secrecy, the name of the bank that will be used in this report is Kaybank Berhad. This is an international bank with 11 branches in Malaysia which is mostly in urban and semi urban area. Hence, this bank has huge customer base including consumer and corporate business. There are 4 types of processes for cheque clearing Inward Cheque Clearing Kaybank cheques Outward Returned Cheque Clearing Kaybank cheques that need to be returned due technical error, stop payment or insufficient funds Outward Cheque Clearing Other banks cheques deposited at Kaybank Inward Returned Other banks returned check due to technical error, stop payment or insufficient funds The author will discuss about the Inward Clearing process in this report as it is an important process and high in volume. There is cut off time to complete the process within BNM clearing window (1.00pm) daily. And resources required to perform this task is high. Attached is the process of Cheque Clearing for the industry. Process Flow of Cheque Clearing Source : To elaborate further on this process, if a customer deposited a Kaybank Cheque of RM 20,000.00 into his/her account at Citibank, the image and the data of the check will be transmitted to Myclear (Subsidiary of Bank Negara Malaysia) via a gateaway system (NWI). Base on the MICR data, the said account will be debited of RM 20,000.00 and the funds will be credited to customers account with Kaybank. In this case, the collecting bank will be Citibank and the paying bank will be Kaybank. The turnaround time for the availability of funds is 2 days. Process Map for Inward Clearing process at Kaybank Image Verify Approve Data transfer to Check verification System Download of Inward file from Myclear Upload of espick data to Kaybank system Reject the image Yes No Second level checking Yes No Reversal of customers account Upload Returned file to Myclear Performance Objectives Kaybanks key strategy is to grow their Consumer business and Corporate business. The consumer business division continuously invests in new products and service innovations to increase its presence in Malaysia and to expand its private banking segment. However, its Corporate business has a core group of customers to which Kaybank leverages global presence to provide excellent quality financial products and services. However, both businesses have continues to improve the customer experience. It has also improves operational efficiency by constant reengineering programs. The main objective of Cheque Clearing Unit is to support both businesses by delivering excellence service to the customers by managing their Current Accounts with error free and to manage operational cost effectively. By shifting to CTCS process, Kaybank has improved the performance objectives of operation in clearing process as follows; Dependability Banks are losing million of money due to fraud cheque. With CTCS process, banks reduced the losses tremendously as the liability to pay in the event of fraud check has been shifted to collecting bank. The collecting bank has to check under the Ultra Violet and the security features on the check and tag the item if it is fraud to preempt the paying bank. System is controlled by Myclear and quarterly testing been conducted to ensure no vulnerability of the system. Continuity of business plan has been established in the event there is a crisis due to network issues or others. Automation where cheques been automatically debited by the system instead of manual posting. Straight through processing been achieved where no manual invention is required. Reduced customers complaint on missing cheques when mailing out as it could be lost in transit. Now, with image base returned item, customer cant use back the same cheque for representment. Data file will be encrypted before sending files to respective branches or clearing house. High security features established and files sent or received would not be compromised. Better reconciliation and fraud prevention Speed Customers are happy as float days of cheque was reduced from 8 days to 2days. And house check payment is given an immediate credit. Under the manual environment staff needs to perform 500 physical cheques verification for 5 hours but with CTCS each staff can perform 750 checks in 4 hours. Customers complaints will be resolved within a day as under the manual environment it takes 3 days. Staff productivity increased and performing multi tasking. Cost Staff overtime has been reduced tremendously and having quality time with their family. Manual process requires 12 working hours for each staff compare to just 8 hours now. Calculation of saving are as follows: Cost saving on Overtime = 30 Staff x 4 hours = 120 hours a days x 23 days = 1760 x 22.50 per hour = RM 39,600.00 per month Hence, for month the bank has saved an approximately RM 39,600.00 in overtime due to CTCS process. Cost of purchasing the system is only one time and maintenance and licensing rental is lower compare to physical cheques management. Staff transport claims and meal allowances were reduced to none as theay are not required to work long hours anymore. No shipment of cheques to Clearing House is required now due to transmission of data. There are 30 staff been employed previously to manage inward clearing volume of 40, 000 daily but now only required 18 staff. The other 12 staffs were redeployed. Retention period of cheque is only a year under CTCS as compare to 7 years previously. Daily a total of 40,000 cheques processed daily and requires 10 boxes to place the cheques. The saving calculation is as follows; = 10 boxes x 23 working days = 230 boxes x 2.50 monthly storage per box = RM 575.00 x 12 (months) x 6 (Years) = RM 41,400.00 Hence, for month the bank has saved an approximately RM 41,400.00 due to CTCS process. Flexibility Maintain Audit Log where it monitors the user details and accessibility Prepares or generate MIS report for volume tracking and for departmental budget planning. It is also a core banking system online approach to upload or download data or batches. Interfaces with internal and external system like signature verification system, Cheque deposit Machines and clearing house. It has provided centralized cheques clearing processing and supporting branches from Penang and Johor Bahru where previously under difference clearing zone. Quality Customers are happy with the service as their cheques are now safe from fraudsters. Inward Clearing process is simple and the staff can perform multi function and deliver good quality of work as they are not required to work long hours. Each transaction under CTCS is controlled by Unique Identifier Code (UIC) which is a unique reference number printed on the back of the cheque by the collecting bank and it will make the retrieval for investigation ad presenting of unpaid items are easier. Better controls established due to simplified process and enhancement and will not lead to financial losses or customer issues. Cheque Verification System Kaybank has invested in a E-flow system for check verification. This system is supported by in house Technology team. Once Inward Clearing data downloaded from the Gateaway system, it will be downloaded to the E-flow system for verification. Each workstation will have a single Central Processing Unit (CPU) and 2 monitors. One to view the image and the other monitor is to display the signature. There are 7 types of cheques processed and each will have a different process and approach. Hence, images and MICR data downloaded to E-flow system and will get sorted and channel to the respective station. For control purpose, the main function for this system is display the image for verification purpose and reconciliation. Kaybank has also emphasized on second level verification for certain threshold to avoid any mistake done by the first level verifiers. However, there are some flaws in this system as follows; The system has limited products. As of now, the system was designed to cater 7 products and if there is an additional product in the market and Kaybank wanted to implement it, there will be an issue. It may mix up with other products. If a particular product it to be ceased, then the station will be remain there. For example, Credit Card cheque has been stopped by Kaybank due fraud vulnerability since Septemeber 2010. The station is there and it cant be removed as it would involve cost. Any changes or addition into this system involve cost and it is expensive. Tagging of checks as altered by the collecting bank is subject to readability of the person who verify the said cheque. Hence, the CTCS ruling astablised by myclear is unclear. As it is subjected to apparent alteration sight by the processor. In the event, the cheque has been washed and altered and the alteration on the check is not apparent, then the collecting bank is not liable for the losses. In turn, it will be shifted to the paying bank to pay the losses. This rule in unclear and it is not good for the industry. Inward Clearing Volumes from January 2010 till October 2010 Source : Internal MIS for Inward Clearing Transactions Emerging Technologies On the other hand, cheque fraud costs Malaysia millions of losses a year and presents severe challenges to the industry. Hence, a better system needs to be deployed for the effectiveness of the current process. Payee Match Positive Pay Application technology has already started in U.S as it was developed by Parascript, LLC, Niwot, Colorado, U.S. The main objective of this system is to combat cheque fraud. The system is designed to read a cheques payee line information and cross validate the data provided to the bank by the customer via Cheque Issue File. This system assures accuracy and significant reduction of check fraud. Furthermore, with if this system should be implemented, funds can be made available in T + 1 (One day Clearing). If the adoption of this technology is feasible, then they will be no impact to the process as it works the same and the only difference is the system. Referring to the projected volume, for product like Paylink, Manager Check, Payment Order and to some extent corporate customers the verification can be automated. Since companies update Kaybank with their list of the cheques issued out the beneficiary, this system can perform auto match and approved the transaction without manual intervention. The system could be expensive but in long them, there will be no fraud cheque . Genichi Taguchi (Nigel Slack, Operation Management), has highlighted to test the robustness of a design to ensure it withstands any change. However, in this case the changes only affect the system as all verifiers need to verify some number of cheques daily. The terminal is stationed at their respective workstation. Hence, there is no impact on the job design, layout and flow or operations. Although, the volume will decrease to some extent as with current capacity, staff may need to verify cheque lesser. On the other hand, with the implementation of new system, staff has to be trained and they could be error prone as this will be totally a new system. Recommendation With regards to the system enhancement, Myclear as a regulator should take the lead and supervise clearing process. Internally, Kaybank may able to deploy a good system but Positive Pay system is very new and extremely expensive where a single bank will hesitate to buy the system. However, with the involvement of Myclear and all member banks, all should share the cost to bring the system to Malaysia to develop together. With this, the cost will be cheaper and can be affordable and all the intermediaries will have a common platform to work with. Conclusion Although, the current system deployed by Kaybank is reliable, there will be no assurance when the fraudster will strike the banking industry with their sophisticated technologies. Hence, BNM, Myclear, ABN (Association of Banks) and member banks must pursue other alternative to prevent fraud attempt by the fraudsters sooner. The Police too have to amend laws to draft severe punishment to nab the fraudster.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
My Educational Philosophy :: Philosophy of Education Teaching Essays
My Educational Philosophy Education is diverse. Due to the various natures of knowledge and students, it is difficult to place my educational philosophy in one category. Each student is unique; curriculums vary depending on many factors. I feel that many educational philosophies are beneficial to education. The nature of students reflects many things including heredity, home life, and society as a whole. Through my experiences working with Americorps/Energy Express, I learned children from lower income families tend to lose three months of education during the summer break. The students never regain these losses. While lower income children lose learning, children from higher income families gain a month of learning. This demonstrates the importance of home life in the nature and education of students. When teaching, one must always consider the aspects that may affect the students’ nature along with the nature of knowledge. Knowledge is both relative and absolute. Literature is an example of relative knowledge. Interpretation of books or poetry depend on the person reading the material, the place where the literature is read, and the time period in which the person is living. Science and mathematics are absolute. One plus one equals two regardless of the time, place, or person. Acquiring knowledge, whether absolute or relative, is the purpose of education. Public education is important to improving society and the future. Like Plato, I feel education gives people the ability to think critically instead of being blindly led by others. As a future teacher, I am idealistic in that I hope to encourage students to challenge themselves, I also hope to encourage students to continue learning throughout life, and prepare for college. To accomplish these goals, I will incorporate pragmatic methods like hands on activities through laboratory experiments and problem solving into my teaching. This also falls under experimentalism. The Socratic method of small group discussions, lecturing, and questioning will be used to help students acquire knowledge. Using many methods will help all students to understand the material presented. Discipline will play an important role in reaching my goals for the students. I plan to use pragmatic methods also in establishing rules.
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